Contact Info
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Santiago de Pablo
Dept. Electronics Technology
University of Valladolid


Esc. Ingenierías Industriales
P. Prado de la Magdalena, 3-5
47011 Valladolid
Spain / España

Phone: (+34) 983 42 33 45
June 2nd, 2015
Alberto Apellaniz Cosgaya has defended his Thesis (Proyecto Fin de Carrera) entitled "Programación en C/C++ de un sistema de licencias basado en RSA y SHA-1 para un procesador de 8 bits embebido en FPGA".

May 27th, 2015
Alejandro Martínez de Ilarduya Alcalde has defended his Thesis (Proyecto Fin de Carrera) entitled "Desarrollo de una librería de componentes no lineales para un simulador Hardware in the Loop". Previously he was at eZono for a 6-month scholarship.

September 1st, 2014
An EII student has joined eZono AG, Jena, Germany for six month. He got an Erasmus Prácticas grant.

July 16th, 2014
Alberto Matía Izquierdo has defended his Thesis (Proyecto Fin de Carrera) entitled "Diseño de un procesador DSP en coma flotante sobre un dispositivo reconfigurable FPGA programable en C para aplicaciones HIL y RCP en tiempo real".

March 15th, 2013
Víctor García Jiménez has defended his Thesis (Proyecto Fin de Carrera) entitled "Creación de librerías de coma flotante para un compilador C/C++ de un microprocesador de propósito general". Previously he was at eZono for a 6-month scholarship.

June 1st, 2012
Two EII students have joined eZono AG, Jena, Germany for six month. They got an Erasmus Prácticas grant.

Web page of Santiago de Pablo


Welcome, this is my personal web page. I am Santiago de Pablo, Associate Profesor at the Department of Electronics Technology at the University of de Valladolid, Spain. I work in Valladolid, at the Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales (site "Mergelina").

My research interests within the DEEPER research group include digital design on reconfigurable logic devices (FPGA and CPLD), topologies and control algorithms for power electronics converters (DC/AC and AC/AC) and renewable energy systems (wind generators and photovoltaic systems). I'm also working with eZono AG (ultrasound signals for medical devices) and ISEND SA (non destructive testing devices).

Información docente

If you are looking for detailed information about my classes or mentoring, please follow this link.

Áreas de investigación

In this section you will know more about my research fields and projects.

Resultados de investigación

Herein you will see a list of my most recent publications and communications.

eZono AG
Jena, Germany
Valladolid, Spain
FPGAworld Conference
Stockholm, Sweden
Copenhagen, Denmark
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